We are passionate about what we do and would love to help your business. We offer a range of services to ensure you are compliant and competitive in a fast moving industry. Get in touch to discuss how we can support you.
MOT Assist
MOT Assist is designed to provide MOT Test Stations and independent MOT Testers with full access to the industry's leading MOT Consultants for a small annual fee.
Costing less than 3 MOT Tests for 12 months cover, MOT Assist provides security and peace of mind to MOT Test Stations in the event of any DVSA action or investigation.

Site Reveiw & QC Checks
This is a DVSA based Site Review that scores your VTS either satisfactory, improvements needed or unsatisfactory. The better you score the fewer visits your VTS will get from the DVSA.
We offer Tester Quality Control checks whether you are a small VTS with one tester or a large franchise with numerous testers.

IRTEC Accreditation
IRTEC is an independent and renewable accreditation scheme that assesses the competence of technicians working in the commercial vehicle, trailer and passenger carrying industries.
Technicians and mechanics who take the irtec test are assessed on their theoretical and practical skills and, if successful, are awarded an irtec licence.